Responsible consumption and production

Focus on the environment is constantly increasing and with conscious employees on the team, Arnestad Storkjøkken decided to be certified as a Eco-Lighthouse. We experience that both customers, suppliers and colleagues to a greater extent expect companies to take more responsibility when it comes to the environment, and we want to contribute to that. In November 2019 we got our first certificaion, and in November 2022 we got re-certified. Now we're working on environmental measures both internally and externally and want to create increased environmental awareness among our customers, suppliers and employees.
We have products that are eco-labeled or produced from more environment friendly materials, which helps to reduce the impact on the environment. Several of our suppliers are also certified, as ISO 14001 or Eco-Lighthouse
- and we do what we can to offer great alternatives that the end-user is also concerned about. If you are curious on going more green, press the "Go Green" button to see how we can help
Why Eco-Lighthouse?
Eco-Lighthouse certification is recognized by the authorities for public procurement and certified businesses can present the Eco-Lighthouse certificate as documentation when public clients in other European countries carry out competitions, and demands have been made for EMAS or other environmental management systems. All Miljøfyrtårn businesses are recertified every three years, through an independent third-party check. A certification is therefore safe for the consumer and it proves that the business works systematically with the environment and does everything it can within its industry. In addition, the certification requires systematic work with HSE to ensure a good working environment.

The Nordic Ecolabel (Svanen) will help consumers to choose environmentally friendly products. All products that are Nordic Ecolabelled have met criteria throughout the entire process from production to recycling.

The Forest Stewardship Concil® marking can often be found on wood products that meet strict standards developed to safeguard a sustainable forest. FSC is a global, non-profit organization that sets these standards for exactly what is defined as a sustainable forest.

EU Ecolabel
The EU Flower or EU Ecolabel can be found on products that meet criteria throughout the life cycle of the product. The difference from the Nordic Ecolabel is that this is the EU's eco-label.

Products with the Seedling Logo, which is an international certification and symbol (Kiemling), identify plastics that are certified as compostable and degradable.

BRC is a British standard developed for manufacturers of food, food packaging and their suppliers who set requirements for hygiene, product safety and quality management. The standard is becoming more and more common in the rest of Europe as a measure of whether a manufacturer / supplier manufactures the goods in a way that satisfies the strictest hygiene requirements.
We want to hear your input on how we can improve our climate and environmental impact! Fill out the form by downloading the file above, and send it to post@asas.no